New Atomizers and Vials at MyPerfumeSamples

Hello fragrant friends! You may be wondering why you have received different vials or atomizers with your orders lately. We are in the process of updating our products to better suite you! We have been testing non-stop, trying to find the perfect atomizers and vials to prevent leaks and breakage during shipments.

new 5ml atomizers

Our new 5ml atomizer is located on the right, with our old atomizer on the left. We have had a very good experience with this new atomizer and are happy to say that we have finally found “the one.” The plastic ensures that the atomizer will not break during transit and the secure fit will prevent leaking. Our 3ml spray atomizers will also be experiencing a switch to new plastic atomizers very soon.


As for our vials, we have switched to these new, bigger glass vials. These actually hold about 1.5 mL of liquid, so you are receiving more than before! You may have also noticed that we are in the process of eliminating our 2ml glass vials due to unpopularity within the fragrance community.

Love or hate them? Let us know, we would love to hear your feedback!

About MyPerfumeSamples

The #1 source for decanted perfume samples, top fragrances, and vintage colognes. 100% guaranteed genuine designer brands.
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